
Facelift (Rhytidectomy):
A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can significantly reduce the evidence of age by lifting sagging skin, fatty tissue and muscle to rejuvenate the face. Also known as a rhytidectomy, facelift treatment has become a very popular and effective treatment for tightening the face and providing a natural, well-rested and more youthful appearance.
drName, our own experienced cosmetic surgeon uses the latest techniques to provide optimal and satisfying results. drName is capable of reducing the signs of age that can be so visible on a face, including deep wrinkles and excess skin, leaving behind a fresh-faced appearance that allows you to feel like your best self.
Facelift Treatment:
The jawline is often one of the most “telling” areas when it comes to determining a person’s age. The effects of gravity take hold on the skin and fatty deposits of the face, especially around the mouth, nose and neck, giving an unattractive “jowl-like” appearance.
drName knows that each patient is different, requiring specialized treatment. At your initial consultation, drName will make an individual plan to address each patient’s particular aesthetic concerns and to help each one reach his or her facial goals. drName knows how important it is to appear natural following surgery, and will avoid any actions that leave a patient looking overdone and unnatural, something that clearly indicates plastic surgery gone wrong.

Following a facelift procedure, you will continue to age. Wrinkles will eventually return, compounded by issues such as weight changes, whether or not you are a smoker, genetics, overall health and the quality of your environment. A facelift surgery will specifically address concerns with sagging or loose skin, as well as deep wrinkles. If your concern is primarily small wrinkles and pigmentation problems/age spots, talk to drName to discuss other facial treatments, such as chemical peels or laser treatment.
Facelift surgery incisions can be hidden well along the hairline, by the temples and near the ears. After a period of time, only you will be able to notice the scars, and over time, you may see them disappear entirely. Often, a facelift surgery can be performed in a single day surgery. The process of recovery differs with each patient. Prior to surgery, drName will explain the process and answer all of your questions. You will know beforehand what to expect prior to, during and following your procedure.
If your face needs only a small touch-up, consider a mini-facelift, also called a mini-lift. This treatment is far less invasive than a full facelift, and is the perfect choice for patients that have fewer facial challenges to correct. Recovery time is shorter, leaving you to resume your normal life and activities.
Other patients might choose to include other treatments to complete their facial rejuvenation, such as an eyebrow lift, necklift or an eyelift treatment. With preplanning, drName can do multiple treatments during a single surgery, allowing you to accomplish a more significant change to your face.
Before Surgery:
drName will meet with you to discuss your facial goals and what you can expect from plastic surgery, with the objective of giving you the most natural, beautiful results possible. Your medical history is important, as your overall health must be examined before this or any surgical treatment. “Before” photos will be taken to compare with the completed results.
Don’t take aspirin for weeks prior to surgery, as it can lead to blood loss during surgery. Antibiotics may be prescribed to guard against infection. drName might ask you to shampoo your hair the night prior to your treatment, and might shave a tiny area near your temples and ears to accommodate the incisions.
The Facelift Procedure:
Facelift surgery is often done with other cosmetic therapies, such as an eyelift, a brow lift, liposuction and/or chin augmentation. This comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation can be transformative. Years down the road, as the natural effects of aging, gravity and your environment once again show their effects on the patient’s face, the entire treatment could be repeated.
Depending on your particular requirements and personal health, your facelift could be performed in drName’s office, or as an outpatient in a surgical center. While general anesthesia isn’t required for most facelift surgeries, it may be utilized if you choose. Just speak to the doctor.
Incisions will be made along the hairline and near the ear, where they are easily hidden. drName will remove any extra skin, and will tighten sagging skin, connective tissues and muscles. Depending on your personal needs, fatty deposits will be removed from the neck and chin. All incisions will be closed with discreet stitches. Facelift treatment can take as long as five hours, and is completely dependent on the number of other procedures you wish to undergo at the same time.
Post-Operative Care:
Following facelift surgery, you will not be able to drive. You must arrange for someone to drive you home and to remain with you for the first 24 hours following surgery. Your head will be wrapped in gauze, and you might have surgical bulbs hanging that will drain excess fluids as you recover. These bulbs will likely be removed at your first examination the day following surgery.
Depending on your rate of recovery, stitches made to the incisions near your ears may be loosened at that first appointment, and any remaining sutures will be removed within 7-10 days. This removal of the stitches in stages aids in the reduction of scarring. Swelling and discoloration may be present for as long as two weeks. Your face may feel tight for as long as three weeks, and the hair around the incisions may grow in a slightly new pattern. You should stay out of the sun following surgery, as it can make your scars more noticeable.
Typically, there aren’t any complications following facelift surgery. Rare complications could include infection, bleeding, discoloration, numbness, loss of skin behind the ears, scarring, facial nerve injury and asymmetry. Because the blood supply to the face is so robust, infection is rare. Following pre-operative instructions to forgo any aspirin or blood thinners prior to surgery will reduce your chances of bleeding significantly. By following drName’s instructions completely, you can greatly minimize the risk of these rare complications. Wound complications increase for diabetics, smokers and patients with autoimmune and collagen disorders, we well as for patients with a history of radiation, which affects the quality of the skin.
Recovery: What You Can Expect:
The complete recovery process can take as long as six months, so be patient as you heal. The skin around the ear may experience numbness, and the face can appear discolored. Rarely, the facial nerve becomes affected during the facelift procedure, leading to a temporary loss of feeling or function. Permanent damage is very rare, however.
During the six months of recovery time, you will notice yourself looking happier, more rested and naturally beautiful. The facelift procedure is an excellent path for patients looking to feel more like their youthful selves, as well as restoring the confidence that looking naturally younger holds.